

Pidgin 2.5.5 Software Chat can Multi Protocol

Pidgin software Messeging Instant finally issued the latest version is pidgin 2.5.5. chat software for that is this open source multi-protocol, which means that can communicate using Yahoo, MSN, Jabber, GTalk, and the other using only one software. Pidgin have Linux and Windows versions. Pidgin bsa enable multiple accounts without using Yahoo Messenger and Jabber software that uses a lot of memory and enough bandwidth to really seize the ad.

there is still lack of the Pidgin emoticon that is not moving, does not have Buzz! and IMVironment as in Yahoo Messenger.

Hopefully this short article can be useful for readers.

Thank you

Download Here

BY. dody_odonk


Blogger Manja mengatakan...

Untungnya Saya sudah pake Pidgin :)
Kang tatang

mik mengatakan...

is this a new software? I just knew this software... thank you for the information

kasimbu mengatakan...

but it is a new version pidgin 2.5.5..
in windows pidgin not popular, but in linux pidgin is very popular..
you are we

fia al Kurosawa mengatakan...

saya masih newbie neh..jadi ga ngerti software chat yg macem2...tahunya cuman YM doank...hi hi..

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Generally I do not post on blogs, but I would like to say that this post really forced me to do so, Excellent post!
Read mnore : Chat Support Software

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