

Mirosoft SteadyState Security For Your Computer

Microsoft SteadyState software that works like a deep freeze is usually used in the cafe, and laboratory dikampus place - a place where many people can use or access them. how it works the same as deep frezee that whatever happens in the windows, either install the new program, hit by virus, spyware etc., when the restart, then all will go back to the early configuration.

Windows SteadyState also features the Windows Disk Protecion that can help prevent the settings that may be slit to provide for spyware, viruses that enter into your computer and prevent permanent damage to the hard disk. Windows SteadyState can remove all changes made to computer settings, including the installation of spyware or viruses, to the condition before the user can touch the past. But to have to install Microsoft SteadyState Microsoft Vista and Xp genuine

When you are using Windows SteadyState for the first time, you can choose to SteadyState console settings on the computer setting. You can create new user account for each person who will be using your computer, then you can determine the level of access each user. If you want to download Windows SteadyState and seek more information, can visit the Microsoft Shared Access site.

Click Here to Download Microsoft SteadyState


Anonim mengatakan...

weleh weleh... thanks for your info....

Anonim mengatakan...


angga mengatakan...

bagus juga nih software, bisa jadi alternatif pengganti deepfreeze

@ Coy mengatakan...

ada yang freenya?...

kasimbu mengatakan...

@ coy
iya nie emang free...
tpi bsa di install klo Xp nya Genuine...

San Syabi mengatakan...

Good posting bro! may i post this article to my blog? he...heee...

KASIMBU mengatakan...

@ Cnetrys : yes thank you for your comment... yes no problem but you must give author list..

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