U.S. Pocket Reference ($1.99)
This app puts all the fine details and documents of U.S. politics in your pocket. Contents include a copy of the Declaration of Independence, U.S. Constitution, including the Bill of Rights and other amendments, the Emancipation Proclamation, how the different branches of the U.S. government works, information on landmarks, lyrics to national songs and more. It's a great reference for students, those new to the U.S. or those wanting to brush up on their American history.
iSparkler Gyro ($0.99)
Wave a sparkler without burning your fingers. This app will let you create your own sparkler from an array of colors. When it comes time for fireworks, you can wave your iPhone instead of a little stick. You can save and share your customized sparkler and even set your own patriotic music to it.
Fireworks ($0.99)
Speaking of fireworks, if you can't make it to one of the big displays in your area, you can create your own for your iPhone or iPad. This particular app allows you to create a fireworks show and set it to music in your iTunes library. If you don't fancy a U.S. location for your particular fireworks show, you have 15 different global locations (and one extraterrestrial one) where you can virtually teleport yourself to instead.
Phantom Regiment ($1.99)
It's not Independence Day without the music of John Philip Sousa and other soul-stirring marches. If there's one near you, it's a great time to take in a drum and bugle corps show. Summer is the high season for this activity as drum corps around the nation compete leading up to the annual Summer Music Games in August, this year in Indianapolis. Phantom Regiment, founded in 1956, is one of the top drum corps in the world. Its app has current and historic videos of the corps, lists of events and more. Phantom isn't the only drum corp to have an app. Check to see if your local drum corps has a listing on iTunes.
Coleman Camping Cookbook and Meal Planner (Free)
This weekend is a favored one for having a picnic or camping out while taking in fireworks and outdoor concerts. Coleman, known for its line of grills and camping equipment, has a free app that allows you to plan an outdoor meal based on the ingredients at hand and the method of preparation. There's a number of recipes within the app, and you can add your own. You also can generate a grocery list based off the recipes and a list of equipment needed. You can have the app generate menus for you based on the length and number of people on your trip.
Source : http://www.tuaw.com/2011/07/03/5-apps-for-independence-day/
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